Water is $$$ For Life

Written by Devansh Taori.

             As I sat down to read Chapter 3 of Campbell Biology, I held a glass of water in my hand. Reading more and more about water’s versatile qualities, I suddenly realized that water is an essential component of all life on Earth. It not only quenches my thirst and brings me satisfaction, but it also sustains my existence. Like a diamond, water truly is a one-and-only, unique compound.

              Water has four main qualities that make it extremely versatile. 
              The first is cohesion. Because of its molecular structure, water has a cohesive capacity, where hydrogen bonding helps keep individual molecules close together. This effectively allows it to not only travel upward in plants, but also produce a surface tension that helps insects remain afloat. 

              The second is a high specific heat. Because a lot of heat has to be absorbed in order to break hydrogen bonds, water can moderate temperature extremely well. This is the reason why, when going to the beach, a hot sunny day rarely affects water temperature to a significant extent. 

              The third is cooling. When energetic water molecules evaporate, they significantly reduce the temperature of the subject. Human sweat is the perfect example of this evaporative cooling: when the water from sweat dries up, it cools the body and counteracts warm temperatures. 

             The fourth and final is acting as a near-universal solvent. Because its polar molecules can attract to charged, polar substances and form hydrogen bonds, water can dissolve a myriad of other molecules. This is why water is so often used in solution; it can create a homogeneous mixture extremely well. Thus, it’s extremely clear to see that these unique qualities make water a truly novel compound.

              I can see multiple reasons for why astrobiologists would be interested in studying extremophiles. 
             The first is because it demonstrates the immense capacity for adaptation and evolution. If certain organisms can come to live in extremely cold, hot, and acidic conditions, then new organisms can develop in the future on different plants and across various parts of Earth’s climate. It shows that as long as there’s water, the conditions don’t necessarily matter, since organisms can simply adapt. 
             The second is that it demonstrates water’s potential to offer life. Life could form on other planets, despite bad conditions, because water has the innate qualities that can support life. The idea that life on other planets may exist is promising, because in 2008, the Mars lander Phoenix discovered subsurface ice and morning frost. Additionally, Mars has an ice cap on both poles. Scientists, since then, are discovering the potential for water on Mars. Perhaps if the ice melts, water will exist, and because organisms can adapt to extreme conditions, there may be life. Beyond Mars, other planets outside of our solar system could have water, and they could support alien life. 
             Who knows? With water, the possibilities are endless. 



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